Submitting false allegations in the UAE may be punishable under the UAE Penal Code's false accusations provisions. In this article, we'll look at the notion of making false claims or charges under UAE law, as well as the consequences. The act of providing false reports to judicial or administrative authorities in the UAE is defined as a penal offence by Federal Law Number (3) of 1987 and its revisions (the UAE Civil Code). Penalties might include both jail and fines. The concept of bad faith is a crucial consideration examined by UAE courts in false accusation cases. Furthermore, if a false accusation leads to the conviction of another individual, the fabricator will face the same punishment. Article 276 states: Anyone who, in bad faith, gives a false report to judicial or administrative authorities concerning the commission by a person of an act or omission that entails a criminal punishment or administrative disciplinary action, even if no criminal or disciplinary action follows, as well as anyone who, contrary to the truth, fabricates material evidence on the commission of a crime by a judicial or administrative authority, shall be imposed detention, a fine, or one of these. If the manufactured offence is a felony, the fabricator will face detention or a fine in both situations; if the fabrication results in a criminal verdict, the fabricator will face the same penalty. Similarly, if a false claim is founded on counterfeit documents, it will be subject to forging charges and punishments. According to UAE law, forgery is defined as an act that modifies the reality of a written instrument in such a way as to cause prejudice and with the goal of substituting the false change for the genuine document. Forgery is punishable by up to ten years in prison as well as penalties. A person who intentionally supplies false information about a crime will incur a jail sentence, according to Article 266 of the UAE Federal Penal Code.

According to Article 275 of the Penal Code, anyone who files a crime that they know does not exist or never happened faces a six-month prison sentence and/or a fine of up to AED 3000. According to Article 216 of the UAE penal code, there are seven ways to commit the crime of forgery, including:

  1. To add to, remove from, or change any of a legitimate instrument's written components, numbers, marks, or pictures.
  2. To fake a signature, seal, or impression, or to falsify a real signature, seal, or imprint.
  3. Obtaining the signature, seal, or imprint of a person who overlooks the contents of the instrument or has not legitimately given his approval thereto by surprise or deceit.
  4. To manufacture a bogus instrument or imitate one and attribute it to someone else.
  5. To fill a signed, sealed, or imprinted blank sheet of paper without the permission of the person who signed, sealed, or imprinted it.
  6. To take another person's name or substitute it in a document that has been created particularly to confirm that person's identification.
  7. A substantial change of writing with the intent to deceive and defraud prevents the instrument's genuine intent from being realized.


A law enforcement official who investigates a false accusation is not guilty of a crime, according to Article 63 of the Penal Code. In effect, the rule safeguards police officers who investigate false complaints from being prosecuted or sued. The UAE Penal Code allows a person who has been falsely accused to file a separate criminal complaint with the help of criminal lawyers against the person who made the false accusation.

However, false accusations or allegations are classified into three categories under the law:

  1. Allegations that are completely untrue because the events described did not occur.
  2. Allegations that depict events that did happen, but where the actions were carried out by someone other than the accused. Accusations in which the accused is found guilty. 
  3. Allegations in which the complaint combines statements of events that did and did not happen. In general, the allegations are half-true and half-false. 


In most cases, filing a false claim in the UAE is considered a felony, and it can result in many penalties, as we stated above. The UAE places a strong emphasis on the notion of good faith, and every report of submission presented to judicial authorities in the UAE must be made in good faith. Moreover, submitting a false police complaint entails the complaint intentionally providing false information in order to mislead investigators or do harm to innocent persons.