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  • In studying about the Sabbath, I found this incredible talk about the Earth's Sabbath.

    "The unit of life is the week, and each week, which was the week of creation. As the scene opens on that first day, we feel the brooding, unbroken darkness covering the deep, and that thrill at that first forward step when God first said, "Let there be light" (Gen. 1:3). We follow the other creative acts to the crowning scene, which took place during the sixth day when God created man in His own image and endowed him with his own attributes and potentialities. Then in summarizing the accomplishments of this period of creation, the holy record says, "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

    "And on the seventh day, God ended his work, which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day . . .

    "And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it" (Gen. 2:1-3).
    Then in programming the world's mortal or temporal existence, God gave it a time allotment of 7,000 years (see D&C 77:6-7), 1,000 years to represent each of the seven days of creation. The first 4,000 years began at the fall of Adam and ended at the birth of Christ. To this have been added the 1967 years that have passed since that time, so that on the divine calendar we are now living in the year of the world 1967, which is the late Saturday evening of the world's history. This divine timetable as well as God's signs of the times indicate that the earth's Sabbath, which is the seventh 1,000-year period, is about to be ushered in...

    We may think of this earth as a pretty wonderful place just as it is, but for nearly 6,000 years it has been operating in its fallen condition as a telestial world. Not only has it brought forth thorns, thistles, and noxious weeds out of the ground, but lawlessness, corruption, and every kind of disobedience have flourished upon its face. Its surface has been made unproductive by deserts and waste places, while enmity and hate have been festering in the hearts of both men and beasts; and during all of this long, sad period, sin, suffering, and death have been the general portion of all mankind.
    But the next one-thousand-year period will be the earth's sabbath. This will be the period when the earth will rest and enjoy its sanctified state. For this period the earth will be renewed and regain its former status as a terrestrial sphere, with all of its paradisiacal beauty, glory, and righteousness fully restored."$But%20the%20next%20one-thousand%20year%20period%20will%20be%20the%20earth's%20sabbath.%20This%20will%20be%20the%20period%20when%20the%20earth%20will%20rest%20and%20enjoy%20its%20sanctified%20state.%20For%20this%20period%20the%20earth%20will%20be%20renewed%20and%20regain%20its%20former%20status%20as%20a%20terrestrial%20sphere%2C%20with%20all%20of%20its%20paradisiacal%20beauty%2C%20glory%2C%20and%20righteousness%20fully%20restored.
    In studying about the Sabbath, I found this incredible talk about the Earth's Sabbath. "The unit of life is the week, and each week, which was the week of creation. As the scene opens on that first day, we feel the brooding, unbroken darkness covering the deep, and that thrill at that first forward step when God first said, "Let there be light" (Gen. 1:3). We follow the other creative acts to the crowning scene, which took place during the sixth day when God created man in His own image and endowed him with his own attributes and potentialities. Then in summarizing the accomplishments of this period of creation, the holy record says, "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. "And on the seventh day, God ended his work, which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day . . . "And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it" (Gen. 2:1-3). Then in programming the world's mortal or temporal existence, God gave it a time allotment of 7,000 years (see D&C 77:6-7), 1,000 years to represent each of the seven days of creation. The first 4,000 years began at the fall of Adam and ended at the birth of Christ. To this have been added the 1967 years that have passed since that time, so that on the divine calendar we are now living in the year of the world 1967, which is the late Saturday evening of the world's history. This divine timetable as well as God's signs of the times indicate that the earth's Sabbath, which is the seventh 1,000-year period, is about to be ushered in... We may think of this earth as a pretty wonderful place just as it is, but for nearly 6,000 years it has been operating in its fallen condition as a telestial world. Not only has it brought forth thorns, thistles, and noxious weeds out of the ground, but lawlessness, corruption, and every kind of disobedience have flourished upon its face. Its surface has been made unproductive by deserts and waste places, while enmity and hate have been festering in the hearts of both men and beasts; and during all of this long, sad period, sin, suffering, and death have been the general portion of all mankind. But the next one-thousand-year period will be the earth's sabbath. This will be the period when the earth will rest and enjoy its sanctified state. For this period the earth will be renewed and regain its former status as a terrestrial sphere, with all of its paradisiacal beauty, glory, and righteousness fully restored."$But%20the%20next%20one-thousand%20year%20period%20will%20be%20the%20earth's%20sabbath.%20This%20will%20be%20the%20period%20when%20the%20earth%20will%20rest%20and%20enjoy%20its%20sanctified%20state.%20For%20this%20period%20the%20earth%20will%20be%20renewed%20and%20regain%20its%20former%20status%20as%20a%20terrestrial%20sphere%2C%20with%20all%20of%20its%20paradisiacal%20beauty%2C%20glory%2C%20and%20righteousness%20fully%20restored.
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