A single tooth implant is an alternative for missing teeth. These replacement teeth are natural-looking and feel natural. This helps you continue to eat your favorite foods and keep your bite stable. A single tooth implant also preserves the jawbone. Because it replaces a tooth root, it can also prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of place. Another benefit of a single tooth implant in Tampa Bay Fl is that you won't feel a foreign object in your mouth.

After your surgery, your jawbone will begin to heal around the implant. You may experience swelling around the site, and you should avoid hard food for the first week. You will also need to maintain your normal oral hygiene routine. Be gentle with the gums around the implant. The healing process takes two to four months.

Before getting a single tooth implant, your doctor will check your medical history. Certain medical conditions may prevent you from getting the procedure. You must be in good overall health to be a good candidate. Generally, people with healthy dental conditions can get the procedure. However, if you have a history of diabetes, you might not be a good candidate for the procedure. Your dentist will also check your jawbone for adequate bone structure during a single tooth implant in Tampa Bay Fl. If it is not, your dentist may recommend a bone graft.

What Is Next After the Procedure?

After the procedure, your dentist will make a permanent dental crown for your implant. You should brush and floss your teeth regularly to maintain the health of your implant. You should also visit your dentist every six months to ensure that it is working properly. While your teeth are still functional, you should avoid habits that can damage your single tooth implant in Tampa Bay Fl, such as grinding your teeth or chewing on hard objects. This can cause damage to your implant and crown.

Single tooth implant surgeries are usually completed under local anesthesia. A small incision is made in your gums to expose the bone underneath. The implant is then carefully placed into the bone. If there is sufficient bone available, your dentist will attach a surgical stent to guide the placement.

When choosing a single tooth implant Tampa Bay Fl, make sure you get the best value for your money. The price of the procedure can vary based on your insurance coverage. If you have dental insurance, you can save even more money. However, be careful as many implant scams are not legitimate. If you choose the wrong implant provider, you might end up regretting it in the long run.