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  • Because of the George Floyd death and the accompanying propaganda that surrounded it, murder rates in big cities have now risen by an average of 30% and by the end of the year murders of Black Americans will be 8,500 which will be higher than the numbers of murders of White and Hispanics combined, even though Blacks only make up about 12% of the population. And the media won’t care because the vast majority of those murders will have been committed by other Blacks.
    Because of the George Floyd death and the accompanying propaganda that surrounded it, murder rates in big cities have now risen by an average of 30% and by the end of the year murders of Black Americans will be 8,500 which will be higher than the numbers of murders of White and Hispanics combined, even though Blacks only make up about 12% of the population. And the media won’t care because the vast majority of those murders will have been committed by other Blacks.
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  • This is an excellent discussion on gun control and its effects on gun violence. John Lott is a true expert on this issue.

    Video: Why Gun Control Doesn’t Reduce Crime—John Lott Breaks Down the Data

    Download our app to
    This is an excellent discussion on gun control and its effects on gun violence. John Lott is a true expert on this issue. Video: Why Gun Control Doesn’t Reduce Crime—John Lott Breaks Down the Data Download our app to read more at
    Video: Why Gun Control Doesn’t Reduce Crime—John Lott Breaks Down the Data
    Recent mass shootings have brought guns back to the center of national debate, and President Joe Biden has ...
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  • An unfortunate reality.
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  • Pat Bagley of the Salt Lake Tribune is a disgusting person. He smeared Burgess Owens with a horrible lie that he is a KKK and a white supremecist. Please call or write to the Salt Lake Tribune to complain about this. Pat Bagley should be fired. The left gets away with these kinds of lies too often.
    Pat Bagley of the Salt Lake Tribune is a disgusting person. He smeared Burgess Owens with a horrible lie that he is a KKK and a white supremecist. Please call or write to the Salt Lake Tribune to complain about this. Pat Bagley should be fired. The left gets away with these kinds of lies too often.
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  • Democrats are pushing for reparations. However Dinesh D’Sousa has done research indicating that the 350,000 slave owners were Democrats. Liberal researchers went into action and could only find 8-10 slave owners who were Republicans. All of the Jim Crow laws were put into place by Democrats. The Republicans in the 1860s and early 1870s passed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the constitution that freed the slaves, made them citizens with rights and gave them the right to vote, respectively. Larry Elder explains this and more.

    Democrats are pushing for reparations. However Dinesh D’Sousa has done research indicating that the 350,000 slave owners were Democrats. Liberal researchers went into action and could only find 8-10 slave owners who were Republicans. All of the Jim Crow laws were put into place by Democrats. The Republicans in the 1860s and early 1870s passed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the constitution that freed the slaves, made them citizens with rights and gave them the right to vote, respectively. Larry Elder explains this and more.
    The Truth About the Democrats and Why They Should Pay for Reparations | Larry Elder — Larry Elder Show
    Larry recently spoke at the House Judiciary Committee on “reparative justice,” which is a fancy way ...
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  • Dinesh D’Sousa started an excellent podcast a couple of months ago. Here is a recent episode on socialism. It is really good. He debunks the myth that Scandinavians are socialists. They do have significant social benefits. But they are very business friendly - making them very capitalist. For example Denmark does not have some of the taxes we do, like inheritance tax and they do not have a minimum wage. Their corporate taxes are about the same as under Trump - 20%. By the way use Rumble and Bitchute instead of YouTube when you can.

    Dinesh D’Sousa started an excellent podcast a couple of months ago. Here is a recent episode on socialism. It is really good. He debunks the myth that Scandinavians are socialists. They do have significant social benefits. But they are very business friendly - making them very capitalist. For example Denmark does not have some of the taxes we do, like inheritance tax and they do not have a minimum wage. Their corporate taxes are about the same as under Trump - 20%. By the way use Rumble and Bitchute instead of YouTube when you can.
    UNITED STATES OF SOCIALISM Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep35
    This is a special episode devoted to a single topic: socialism. Drawing on his recent book and documentary film “Trump Card,” Dinesh asks the sobering question: are we becoming the United States of So
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  • Here is what he said about walking to the capital. ....we’re going to walk on to the capital and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen. Of course some of them aren’t going to be so brave. ...... everyone will soon march over to the capital building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard ....

    Never said anything about being violent or about going inside the capital. Also Barnes on Viva Frei said that the people who broke into the capital did so while Trump was giving his speech. So they could not have been the influenced by Trump. By the time people from the Trump speech got there the doors were already open. The vast majority stayed outside. But some did walk around inside not even realizing what had happened previously.
    Here is his speech. Start listening about 3:46:45.
    Here is what he said about walking to the capital. ....we’re going to walk on to the capital and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen. Of course some of them aren’t going to be so brave. ...... everyone will soon march over to the capital building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard .... Never said anything about being violent or about going inside the capital. Also Barnes on Viva Frei said that the people who broke into the capital did so while Trump was giving his speech. So they could not have been the influenced by Trump. By the time people from the Trump speech got there the doors were already open. The vast majority stayed outside. But some did walk around inside not even realizing what had happened previously. Here is his speech. Start listening about 3:46:45.
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