In 2007 i met Andrew Day and we fell in love. We conceived our first baby Scarlett Rose in 2009 but due to DVT blood clots in my lungs unfortunately we lost our little girl. I married Andrew in December of that same year to turn our very sad loss into a happy event. In 2014 i had a serious Pulmonary Embolism in both my lungs and arteries to my heart. It took almost 2 years to completely recover from pain but now to this day i have pluersy as a result of this. As well as having Pulmonary Embolisms i also got diagnosed with Lymphodema as a result of bad circulation of which i am on blood thinners that have no antidote if i cut myself, the blood thinners are now my life-long medication. Later in December of that same year i met up with my best friend Margaret and we celebrated the new year 2015 in together. In the later part of January of 2015 Margaret contacted Dennis H Christen to ask him to help if he could get my art recognised as i am also an artist. She received an email from dennis stating that he would like to hire me to do junior illustrations on his upcoming junior novel " London's Bridge And The Three Keys ". I was delighted and obviously accepted. Then in 2016 i got a bad skin ulcer on shin part of my leg and to this date i still have it but it does not stop me from doing the thing i love the most - Drawing !
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Hi guys I am thinking of creating a group with all my art work .. not just Michael Jackson art but my other art including illustrations. Is this something anyone would be interested in at all ... if i do get comments saying yes then i will make one if not then i wont bother. Please comment below as i dont get any messages or comments much here so ..
Hi guys I am thinking of creating a group with all my art work .. not just Michael Jackson art but my other art including illustrations. Is this something anyone would be interested in at all ... if i do get comments saying yes then i will make one if not then i wont bother. Please comment below as i dont get any messages or comments much here so ..
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Recent Updates
  • Hi guys check out my IMDB profile .. Lots of my work and videos of my work on there and also when myself and Margi were interviewed with Made in Leeds
    Hi guys check out my IMDB profile .. Lots of my work and videos of my work on there and also when myself and Margi were interviewed with Made in Leeds
    Rea Day - IMDb
    Rea Day: Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys. Rea Day was born on the May 1st 1969 as Andrea Brooks to Jean and Cliff Brooks. After completing her primary years in school, she attended Wakefield City High School of which later in years she would work as a higher level teaching assistant as well as a special needs assistant in primary schools. From Wakefield city high she then started a job as...
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  • Guys check out Lundons website.
    Guys check out Lundons website.
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  • Hi Guys .. I just wanna share this funny video from the Jimmy Kimmel show where Jimmy and his cousin Sal once again prank their Aunt Chippy who's over 80 and is grand for her age but she won't take any crap from anyone .. I so wanna meet Jimmy and his Aunt Chippy they are amazing people, here she is getting quite annoyed at the fake covid test place as Jimmy and Sal prank her once again ha ha .. Its funny stuff .. enjoy.
    Hi Guys .. I just wanna share this funny video from the Jimmy Kimmel show where Jimmy and his cousin Sal once again prank their Aunt Chippy who's over 80 and is grand for her age but she won't take any crap from anyone .. I so wanna meet Jimmy and his Aunt Chippy they are amazing people, here she is getting quite annoyed at the fake covid test place as Jimmy and Sal prank her once again ha ha .. Its funny stuff .. enjoy.
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  • I am back doing what I do best ... I haven't drawn anything in a while and now I'm back at it ... Hope you like it anyone ...
    I am back doing what I do best ... I haven't drawn anything in a while and now I'm back at it ... Hope you like it anyone ...
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    Rea's 'Art' Attack Group
    Here are some of my favourite drawings and some of my illustrations for Lundons Bridge and the three keys junior novel. Drawing is my life and I love to draw Portraiture the most as this is my forte. I am quite lucky to be chosen to be the main illustrator to a wonderful story written by a...
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  • Well on Saturday I will feel as old as the hills and will deffo feel half a century old. Well maybe this will be the year ... Lots to look forward to. Here is my interview I had for a local TV news show Made in Leeds. I am so happy to have my own IMDB thanks to someone really special and an amazing friend so 2 people who are special to me and thats Dennis and Deidrinel.
    Well on Saturday I will feel as old as the hills and will deffo feel half a century old. Well maybe this will be the year ... Lots to look forward to. Here is my interview I had for a local TV news show Made in Leeds. I am so happy to have my own IMDB thanks to someone really special and an amazing friend so 2 people who are special to me and thats Dennis and Deidrinel. *_* *) O:)
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  • Guys I just want to share some good news for a change.
    A friend of mine posted her good news a few days ago and I asked her how she had got something .. the answer is Her IMDB .. Internet Movie Database. Everyone who has acted and done any work for a movie can get one and most likely have one already. I was so happy and made up for my friend so I contacted a special person I know and it was he who asked if I could have an IMDB account and he got told yes she can have one of her very own. I went onto his IMDB and there I am in the additional crew section. Here is my IMDB and It is an honour to receive one. All you have to do is get IMDB pro and you are set. I am so humbled and feel honoured to receive my own IMDB. I have already said a massive thank you to all involved ... Here it is the link to my IMDB ...
    Guys I just want to share some good news for a change. A friend of mine posted her good news a few days ago and I asked her how she had got something .. the answer is Her IMDB .. Internet Movie Database. Everyone who has acted and done any work for a movie can get one and most likely have one already. I was so happy and made up for my friend so I contacted a special person I know and it was he who asked if I could have an IMDB account and he got told yes she can have one of her very own. I went onto his IMDB and there I am in the additional crew section. Here is my IMDB and It is an honour to receive one. All you have to do is get IMDB pro and you are set. I am so humbled and feel honoured to receive my own IMDB. I have already said a massive thank you to all involved ... Here it is the link to my IMDB ...
    Rea Day - IMDb
    Rea Day: Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys. Rea Day was born on the May 1st 1969 as Andrea Brooks to Jean and Cliff Brooks. After completing her primary years in school, she attended Wakefield City High School of which later in years she would work as a higher level teaching assistant as well as a special needs assistant in primary schools. From Wakefield city high she then started a job as...
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  • Happy Heavenly Mothers day mum .. you died 11 days ago you will be forever in our hearts. We do miss you so much and we shall never forget you with your beautiful smile and your adorable nature. Fly high as the beautiful angel you are and always been with your golden wings mum. Today we celebrate you being the best mum ever. God bless and we shall see you again and dad and Scarlett Rose Day <3 <3 <3
    Happy Heavenly Mothers day mum .. you died 11 days ago you will be forever in our hearts. We do miss you so much and we shall never forget you with your beautiful smile and your adorable nature. Fly high as the beautiful angel you are and always been with your golden wings mum. Today we celebrate you being the best mum ever. God bless and we shall see you again and dad and Scarlett Rose Day <3 <3 <3
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  • Wishing you all a very Happy New Year before all the internet rush tonight. Please try to have the best time bringing in a better year than last year. So many people have lost their lives due to covid i pray for all the families whos lives have been ruined due to this evil virus. So lets help to bring in the New year by following our government guidelines and kep not only ourselves safe but everyone else in the world safe. We are in this together so lets have some empathy and the new year 2021 will be a better year for us all .. I really do care about people and their health and lives. Thank you to my dear friend Dennis Hatch Christen who welcomed me into the wonderful team of Lundons Bridge ... lets hope next year will be our year dear sweet Dennis, Happy New Year to you and your family .. myself and Margi are so ready and we will be there right by your side every step of the way. Much love to you dear friend and everyone here on Heroes and thank you to Lee Baker Lee Baker for creating a wonderful new social media platform which is so much better than FB .. Happy New year to you too and your family Lee.
    Wishing you all a very Happy New Year before all the internet rush tonight. Please try to have the best time bringing in a better year than last year. So many people have lost their lives due to covid i pray for all the families whos lives have been ruined due to this evil virus. So lets help to bring in the New year by following our government guidelines and kep not only ourselves safe but everyone else in the world safe. We are in this together so lets have some empathy and the new year 2021 will be a better year for us all .. I really do care about people and their health and lives. Thank you to my dear friend [DennisHChristen] who welcomed me into the wonderful team of Lundons Bridge ... lets hope next year will be our year dear sweet Dennis, Happy New Year to you and your family .. myself and Margi are so ready and we will be there right by your side every step of the way. Much love to you dear friend and everyone here on Heroes and thank you to [Heroes] Lee Baker for creating a wonderful new social media platform which is so much better than FB .. Happy New year to you too and your family Lee.
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